Our Population
The Western Bay of Plenty District is a territorial district within the Bay of Plenty Region in the North Island of Aotearoa. The district surrounds Tauranga city, and includes Matakana Island, Mōtītī Island, Rangiwaea Island and Motuhoa Island.

In our district, we have three Iwi:
Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi, and Ngāti Pukenga.
Ngāti Ranginui and Ngāi Te Rangi make up one half of the WBOP PHO Board, with the other half made up by Western Bay of Plenty primary care Providers Inc (Provider Inc), an umbrella organisation for general practices and organisations involved with podiatry, asthma/respiration, hauora, and mental health.

Working alongside our General Practices and Iwi, we support healthy lifestyles and quality healthcare services for a growing number of people in our local communities. We currently serve 80.9% or 212,094 of the enrolled population in the Bay of Plenty.
The community we serve lives from Katikati, in the west, to Ōpōtiki, in the east. Of this enrolled population, 16% identify as Māori; 1.8% as Pacific Peoples and 9.3% as Asian.

Our population by age and ethnicity
Total Population enrolled: 209,050
Served population by age

Served population by ethnicity

Our Achievements
Services provided by the WBOP PHO reached more patients in the year ended 30 June 2023 than in any of the previous years.
of smokers provided with support to quit
women screened for cancer
of eligible patients received a heart and diabetes check
students utilised the school-based health services
health assessments were done for year 9 students
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Kaupapa Māori service options
Who we are and what we do