Te Rerenga

Read our bi-monthly newsletter showcasing local health care initiatives in our WBOP community.

Te Rerenga

Read our bi-monthly newsletter showcasing local health care initiatives in our WBOP community.

Te Rerenga

This is the Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation (WBOP PHO) platform to celebrate the incredible work our kaimahi, general practice, iwi partners, and community services are doing across the rohe (region). It is a space to honour successes, share best practices, and navigate the evolving currents of primary care.

A versatile and meaningful name, Te Rerenga embodies the essence of leaping forward, embarking on journeys, and embracing change. The title was endorsed by our Kaumātua, Wi Pearson, in 2020, following a suggestion from Catherine Warren, during an internal staff competition.

Te Rerenga is distributed both digitally and in a printed version. It goes out to health care and service providers in the Western Bay of Plenty and is also accessible here, on our website, via the buttons below.

Go ahead and discover our stories, initiatives, and shared passion driving WBOP PHO’s mahi.

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Discover the health and wellness services available to you and your whānau.

  • Services available in the community

  • Kaupapa Māori service options

  • Who we are and what we do

Get Updates on Health and Wellness Services

Join our community and get the latest news from our region.

Discover the health and wellness services available to you and your whānau.

  • Services available in the community

  • Kaupapa Māori service options

  • Who we are and what we do

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