WBOP PHO welcomes renewed focus on primary care

The government’s recent announcements on primary care signal a welcome shift towards strengthening general practice and improving patient access. While further details are awaited regarding implementation, Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation (WBOP PHO) recognises this as a significant step forward.

Health Minister Hon Simeon Brown recently outlined several new investments aimed at enhancing timely access to general practice and strengthening the primary care workforce. These include:

A promising shift, but key questions remain

These initiatives represent a clear intention to rebalance the healthcare system, ensuring general practice receives the necessary attention and resources to reduce hospital pressure and provide community-based care. WBOP PHO CEO Lindsey Webber welcomed this renewed commitment, noting, “It’s encouraging to see recognition of the critical role general practice plays in keeping people out of hospitals. Strengthening the primary care workforce and improving access is essential.”

Adequate support and resources for general practices enable them to focus on delivering quality services, which ultimately benefits the wider community. However, Webber emphasised the need for clarity: “While this announcement is positive, we await details on how initiatives such as performance-based funding will be implemented. Only then can we evaluate the genuine benefits they will offer.”

Emphasising outcomes and regional flexibility

During last week’s meeting with PHO CEOs, Minister Brown reiterated his commitment to results and patient outcomes, while maintaining flexibility regarding regional approaches. WBOP PHO believes this openness ensures local health networks can customise their strategies effectively, addressing the specific needs of their communities.

Webber highlighted this practical consideration, stating, “There’s a clear expectation that increased funding translates directly into improved patient access and outcomes. The challenge now is ensuring that implementation reflects local realities and supports long-term sustainable improvements.”

Equity considerations require clarity

While the government’s renewed focus on primary care is commendable, there has been limited explicit mention of targeted support for Māori and Pacific communities. “Maintaining and clearly articulating an equity-focused approach is critical to ensuring that healthcare improvements benefit all communities equitably. Greater clarity around equity strategies will be essential to achieving genuinely inclusive health outcomes”, highlights Kiri Peita, General Manager for Māori, Population Health and Equity at WBOP PHO.

Early engagement builds optimism

Despite the need for further detail, early and proactive engagement by the government has generated optimism within the sector. Minister Brown has met with multiple sector leaders and visited various general practices nationwide, including Tauranga. Webber concluded positively, “This early engagement demonstrates a willingness to listen and collaborate closely with those working on the frontline. It provides reassurance that primary care providers’ voices will remain influential as these initiatives unfold.”

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