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Press Releases

Youth health services provided at school

The School Health Services team at Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation, including Te Puke High School nurse Natasha Harris (front, second from right). Pastoral care in schools is increasingly growing and the school health nurse is playing a...
Press Releases

Klash of the Kohanga Reo for breast and cervical health

Kohanga Reo in Tauranga are going head to head to get as many women as possible to undergo breast and cervical screening for the chance to win prizes. Klash of the Kohanga Reo will see 18 Māori early childhood education...
Press Releases

Convenient and affordable healthcare at a GP near you

A formal sit-down consult with your GP may be on the way out for some in the Western Bay of Plenty as GPs look for more efficient ways to care for patients. Dr Heath Sumpton, owner of one of Tauranga’s...
Press Releases

More support for GPs and Māori in local healthcare

Dr Claire Isham, the new WBOPPHO Clinical Director. Two familiar faces from the Tauranga healthcare community have joined the Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation in new roles established to support both GPs and those working to improve Māori...
Press Releases

Getting the mahi done for breast cancer

WBOP PHO Support to Screening coordinator Joanne Tuhakaraina, centre, has joined with the team at Waipu Hauora - Helen Te Kani, Keriana Hoko-Smith, Riria Gibbons and Hutiao Dickson – to organise mammograms for a group of Matapihi women as part...
Press Releases

Whānau health and wellbeing target of new wraparound service

Social agencies are working together in a new pilot project offering wraparound services to families in some of Tauranga’s most deprived communities to help improve their health and wellbeing. He Kokonga Ngākau Whānau Support Service is led by Te Runanga...

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